Source code for wtools.geostats

__all__ = [

import properties
import numpy as np


[docs]class GridSpec(properties.HasProperties): """A ``GridSpec`` object provides the details of a single axis along a grid. If you have a 3D grid then you will have 3 ``GridSpec`` objects. """ n = properties.Integer('The number of components along this dimension.') min = properties.Integer('The minimum value along this dimension. The origin.') sz = properties.Integer('The uniform cell size along this dimension.') nnodes = properties.Integer('The number of grid nodes to consider on either \ side of the origin in the output map', required=False)
[docs]def geoeas2numpy(datain, nx, ny=None, nz=None): """Transform GeoEas array into np.ndarray to be treated like image. Function to transform a SINGLE GoeEas-formatted raster (datain) i.e., a single column, to a NumPy array that can be viewed using imshow (in 2D) or slice (in 3D). Args: datain (np.ndarray): 1D input GeoEas-formatted raster of dimensions: nx (int): the number of dimensions along the 1st axis ny (int, optional): the number of dimensions along the 2nd axis nz (int, optional): the number of dimensions along the 3rd axis Return: np.ndarray: If only nx given: 1D array. If only nx and ny given: 2D array. If nx, ny, and nz given: 3D array. Note: In 3D, z increases upwards References: Originally implemented in MATLAB by: Phaedon Kyriakidis, Department of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara, May 2005 Reimplemented into Python by: Bane Sullivan and Jonah Bartrand, Department of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, October 2018 """ # 1D if ny is None and nz is None and isinstance(nx, int): return datain # 1D so it does nothing! # 2D elif nz is None and isinstance(nx, int) and isinstance(ny, int): tmp = np.reshape(datain, (nx, ny)) tmp = np.swapaxes(tmp, 2,1) # TODO: should we do this??? return tmp[ny:1:-1,:] # TODO: should we do this??? # 3D elif isinstance(nx, int) and isinstance(ny, int) and isinstance(nz, int): tmp = np.reshape(datain, (nx, ny, nz)) tmp = np.swapaxes(tmp, 1,0,2) # TODO: should we do this??? return tmp[ny:1:-1,:,:] # TODO: should we do this??? # Uh-oh. raise RuntimeError('``geoeas2numpy``: arguments not understood.')
[docs]def geoeas2numpyGS(datain, gridspecs): """A wrapper for ``geoeas2numpy`` to handle a list of ``GridSpec`` objects Args: gridspecs (list(GridSpec)): array with grid specifications using ``GridSpec`` objects """ # Check that gridspecs is a list of ``GridSpec`` objects if not isinstance(gridspecs, list): if not isinstance(gridspecs, GridSpec): raise RuntimeError('gridspecs arguments ({}) improperly defined.'. format(gridspecs)) gridspecs = [gridspecs] # Make sure we have a list to index if only 1D if len(gridspecs) == 1: return geoeas2numpy(datain, nx=gridspecs[0].n) elif len(gridspecs) == 2: return geoeas2numpy(datain, nx=gridspecs[0].n, ny=gridspecs[1].n) elif len(gridspecs) == 3: return geoeas2numpy(datain, nx=gridspecs[0].n, ny=gridspecs[1].n, nz=gridspecs[2].n) raise RuntimeError('gridspecs must be max of length 3 for geoas2numpy.')
[docs]def raster2structgrid(datain, gridspecs, imeas='covariogram', idisp=False): """Create an auto-variogram or auto-covariance map from 1D or 2D rasters. This computes auto-variogram or auto-covariance maps from 1D or 2D rasters. This function computes variograms/covariances in the frequency domain via the Fast Fourier Transform (``np.fft``). Note this only handles one dataset and we removed the ``icolV`` argument. Note: Missing values, flagged as ``np.nan``, are allowed. Args: datain (np.ndarray): input arrray with raster in GeoEas format gridspecs (list(GridSpec)): array with grid specifications using ``GridSpec`` objects imeas (str): key indicating which structural measure to compute: semi-variogram or covariogram idisp (bool): flag for whether to display results using an internal plotting routine Return: np.ndarray: output array with variogram or covariogram map, depending on imeas, with size: in 1D: ( 2*nxOutHalf+1 ) or in 2D: ( 2*nxOutHalf+1 x 2*nxOutHalf+1 ) np.ndarray: output array with number of pairs available in each lag, of same size as outStruct Note: Author: Dennis Marcotte: Computers & Geosciences, > Vol. 22, No. 10, pp. 1175-1186, 1996. References: Originally implemented in MATLAB by: Phaedon Kyriakidis, Department of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara, May 2005 Reimplemented into Python by: Bane Sullivan and Jonah Bartrand, Department of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, October 2018 Algorith based on: Marcotte, D. (1996): Fast Variogram Computation with FFT, Computers & Geosciences, 22(10), 1175-1186. """ # Check that gridspecs is a list of ``GridSpec`` objects if not isinstance(gridspecs, list): if not isinstance(gridspecs, GridSpec): raise RuntimeError('gridspecs arguments ({}) improperly defined.'. format(gridspecs)) gridspecs = [gridspecs] # Make sure we have a list to index if only 1D TINY = 1e-10; #DataIn = np.reshape(DataIn, (-1,1)) #nPix,nCol = DataIn.shape # Check the `GridSpec` objects and ensure they hava an nnodes nDim = len(gridspecs) for i, gs in enumerate(gridspecs): gs.validate() if gs.nnodes is None: raise RuntimeError('GridSpec object at index %d does not have an nnodes property.' % i) if gs.nnodes > gs.n*0.5: raise RuntimeError('For GridSpec at index %d nnodesOff > # of gridnodes/2.' % i); # Check imeas itypes = ['covariogram', 'semi-variance'] if isinstance(imeas, int) and imeas < 2 and imeas > -1: imeas = itypes[imeas] if imeas not in itypes: raise RuntimeError("imeas argument must be one of 'covariogram' or 'semi-variance'. Not {}".format(imeas)) ## Extract columns of DataIn ## Convert to Matlab format Data = geoeas2numpyGS(datain, gridspecs); print('just ran `geoeas2numpyGS`...') #################################### shp = Data.shape n = shp[0] nrows = 2*n-1 ncols = 1; if nDim == 2: p = shp[1] ncols = 2*p-1; ## Get appropriate dimensions # find the closest multiple of 8 to obtain a good compromise between # speed (a power of 2) and memory required nr2 = int(np.ceil(nrows/8)*8) if nDim == 2: nc2 = np.ceil(ncols/8)*8 else: nc2 = 1 ## Form an indicator matrix: # 0's for all data values, 1's for missing values DataInd = ~np.isnan(Data); # In data matrix, replace missing values by 0; Data[DataInd] = 0 # missing replaced by 0 def fft2(data): return np.fft.fft2(data, s=[nr2,nc2]) def fft1(data): return np.fft.fft(data) def ifft2(data): return np.fft.ifft2(data) def ifft1(data): return np.fft.ifft(data) if nDim == 2: fft = fft2 ifft = ifft2 else: fft = fft1 ifft = ifft1 ## FFT of Data fData = fft(Data); ## FFT of Data*Data if imeas == itypes[1]: # semi-variance fDataData = fft(Data*Data) ## FFT of the indicator matrix fDataInd = fft(DataInd) ## Compute number of pairs at all lags outNpairs = np.real(ifft(np.abs(fDataInd)**2)).astype( #Edit remove single formating for matlab v6 #outNpairs = single(outNpairs); ## Compute the different structural functions according to imeas if imeas == itypes[1]: # semi-variance outStruct = np.real(ifft(np.conj(fDataInd)* fDataData+conj(fDataData)*fDataInd- 2*np.conj(fData)*fData)) outStruct /= np.max(outNpairs, axis=0) / 2; else: # covariogram # tail mean m1 = np.real(ifft(np.abs(fData)**2)) / np.max(outNpairs,axis=0); # head mean m2 = np.real(ifft(np.abs(fDataInd)**2)) / np.max(outNpairs,axis=0) outStruct = np.real(ifft(np.abs(fData)**2)); outStruct /= np.max(outNpairs, axis=0) - m1 * m2 ## Reduce matrix to required size and shift, print(outNpairs.shape, outStruct.shape) # so that the 0 lag appears at the center of each matrix if nDim == 2: outNpairs=[outNpairs[0:n,0:p], outNpairs[0:n,nc2-p+1:nc2], outNpairs[nr2-n+1:nr2,0:p], outNpairs[nr2-n+1:nr2, nc2-p+1:nc2]] outStruct=[outStruct[0:n,0:p], outStruct[0:n,nc2-p+1:nc2], outStruct[nr2-n+1:nr2,0:p], outStruct[nr2-n+1:nr2,nc2- +1:nc2]] else: outNpairs = [outNpairs[0:n], outNpairs[0:n], outNpairs[nr2-n+1:nr2], outNpairs[nr2-n+1:nr2] ] outStruct = [outStruct[0:n], outStruct[0:n], outStruct[nr2-n+1:nr2], outStruct[nr2-n+1:nr2]] outStruct = np.fft.fftshift(outStruct); outNpairs = np.fft.fftshift(outNpairs); # TODO: check this.... for i, arr in enumerate(outNpairs): ind = arr < TINY outStruct[i][ind] = np.nan # ## Addition by Phaedon Kyriakidis, to crop image to a desired size # nxcurr, nycurr=outStruct.shape # nnodesOffN = 2*nnodesOff + 1; # if nDim == 1: # ngridx = nnodesOffN[0]; # tmpx = np.floor((nxcurr-ngridx)/2); # isx = tmpx; # iex = isx + ngridx # outStruct = outStruct[isx:iex] # outNpairs = outNpairs[isx:iex] # elif nDim == 2: # ngridx = nnodesOffN[1]; # ngridy = nnodesOffN[0]; # tmpx = np.floor((nxcurr-ngridx)/2); # tmpy = np.floor((nycurr-ngridy)/2); # isx = tmpx; # iex = isx + ngridx # isy = tmpy # iey = isy + ngridy # outStruct = outStruct[isx:iex,isy:iey]; # outNpairs = outNpairs[isx:iex,isy:iey]; #################################### ## Convert to geoeas format # if nDim == 2: # outStruct = matlab2geoeas(outStruct) # outNpairs = matlab2geoeas(outNpairs) # TODO: this plotting routine needs to be handled in the ``plots`` module # ## Display results, if requested # if len(args) > 5: # if nDim == 1: ### 1D case # xsiz = Gridspecs[2]; # xmin = nnodesOff[0]*xsiz; # xmin = -xmin; # nx = nnodesOff[0]*2+1; # xax = np.arange(xmin,xmin+nx*xsiz,xsiz).T; # plt.plot(xax,outStruct,'.-'); # plt.xlim([xmin, -xmin]); # plt.xlabel('lag distance h'); # if imeas == 1: # plt.title('Sample semivariogram (col # %d)' %(icolV)) # plt.ylabel('semivariance \gamma (h)') # else: # plt.title('Covariogram (col # %d)' %icolV) # plt.ylabel('covariance \sigma (h)') # # elif nDim == 2: ### 2D case # gsiz = Gridspecs[:,2]; # gmin = nnodesOff[:]*gsiz # gmin = -gmin; # ng = nnodesOff[:]*2+1; # rastermap(outStruct,1,[ng, gmin, gsiz]); # if imeas == 1: # plt.title('Sample semivariogram map (col # %d)' %icolV) # else: # plt.title('Sample covariogram map (col # %d)' %icolV) # # plt.xlabel('h_x') # plt.ylabel('h_y') ## FINISHED print('Finished RASTER2STRUCTMAP: Version #1'); return(outStruct,outNpairs)
[docs]def suprts2modelcovFFT(CovMapExtFFT, ind1Ext, sf1Ext, ind2Ext, sf2Ext): """Integrated model covariances between 1 or 2 sets of arbitrary supports. Function to calculate array of TOTAL or AVERAGE model covariances between 1 or 2 sets of irregular supports, using convolution in the frequency domain (FFT-based). Integration or averaging is IMPLICIT in the pre-computed sampling functions (from discrsuprtsFFT). Args: CovMapExtFFT (np.ndarray): Fourier transform of model covariance map evaluated at nodes of an extended MATLAB grid ind1Ext: (nSup1 x 1) cell array with MATLAB indices of non-zero sampling function values for support set #1 in extended MATLAB grid sf1Ext: (nSup1 x 1) cell array with sampling function values for support set #1 ind2Ext: Optional (nSup2 x 1) cell array with MATLAB indices of non-zero sampling function values for support set #2 in extended MATLAB grid sf2Ext: Optional (nSup2 x 1) cell array with sampling function values for support set #2 Return: np.ndarray: (nSup1 x nSup[1,2]) array with integrated covariances References: Originally implemented in MATLAB by: Phaedon Kyriakidis, Department of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara, May 2005 Reimplemented into Python by: Bane Sullivan and Jonah Bartrand, Department of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, October 2018 """ # ## Get some input parameters # nSup1 = len(ind1Ext); # ngExtTot =; # # ## Proceed according to whether nargin <4 or not # if nargin < 4: #### Single set of supports # # Out = zeros(nSup1,nSup1); # # Loop over # of supports # # First, loop over rows # for ii in range(nSup1): # # Construct array of sampling functions for TAIL support # u1 = np.zeros(CovMapExtFFT.shape); # # TODO: u1[ind1Ext{ii}] = sf1Ext{ii}; # # Compute convolution in frequency domain # v1 = np.fft.fft(u1); # v2 = v1; # v1 = conj(v1); # v1Lv2 = v1*CovMapExtFFT*v2; # covOut = np.sum(v1Lv2)/ngExtTot; # # Fill in diagonal elements of output array # Out[ii,ii] = np.real(covOut); # # Now loop over columns with jj>ii (upper triangular part) # for jj in range(ii+1,nSup1); # # Construct array of sampling functions for HEAD support # u2 = np.zeros(CovMapExtFFT.shape); # # TODO: u2[ind1Ext{jj}] = sf1Ext{jj}; # v2 = np.fft.fft(u2); # # Compute integrated model covariance value # v1Lv2 = v1*CovMapExtFFT*v2; # covOut = np.sum(v1Lv2)/ngExtTot; # covOut = np.real(covOut); # # Place value in output array accounting for symmetry # Out[ii,jj] = covOut; # Out[jj,ii] = covOut; # # else: #### Two sets of supports # # nSup2 = len(ind2Ext); # Out = np.zeros([nSup1,nSup2]); # # First, loop over supports of set #1 # for ii = range(1, Nsup1+1); # # Construct array of sampling functions for TAIL support # u1 = np.zeros(CovMapExtFFT.shape); # # TODO: u1[ind1Ext{ii}] = sf1Ext{ii}; # # Compute fft of u1 # v1 = conj(fftn(u1)); # # Now loop over supports of set #2 # for jj in 1:nSup2; # # Construct array of sampling functions for HEAD support # u2 = np.zeros(CovMapExtFFT.shape); # # TODO: u2[ind2Ext{jj}] = sf2Ext{jj}; # v2 = np.fft.fft(u2); # # Compute integrated model covariance value # v1Lv2 = v1*CovMapExtFFT*v2; # covOut = np.sum(v1Lv2)/ngExtTot; # # Place value in output array # Out[ii,jj] = np.real(covOut) # return(Out) pass