Source code for wtools.plots

"""``plots``: This module provides various plotting routines that ensure we display
our spatially referenced data in logical, consistant ways across projects.

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'Plotting Routines'

import numpy as np

from .geostats import GridSpec

[docs]def display(plt, arr, x=None, y=None, **kwargs): """This provides a convienant class for plotting 2D arrays that avoids treating our data like images. Since most datasets we work with are defined on Cartesian coordinates, <i,j,k> == <x,y,z>, we need to transpose our arrays before plotting in image plotting libraries like ``matplotlib``. Args: plt (handle): your active plotting handle arr (np.ndarray): A 2D array to plot kwargs (dict): Any kwargs to pass to the ``pcolormesh`` plotting routine Return: plt.pcolormesh Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> arr = np.arange(1000).reshape((10,100)) >>> wtools.display(plt, arr) >>> plt.title('What we actually want') >>> plt.colorbar() >>> """ if x is None or y is None: return plt.pcolormesh(arr.T, **kwargs) return plt.pcolormesh(x, y, arr.T, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_struct_grid(plt, outStruct, gridspecs=None, imeas=None): """Plot a semivariogram or covariogram produced from raster_to_struct_grid Args: plt (handle): An active plotting handle. This allows us to use the plotted result after the routine. outStruct (np.ndarray): the data to plot gridspecs (list(GridSpec)): the spatial reference of your gdata imeas (str): key indicating which structural measure to label: ``'var'`` for semi-variogram or ``'covar'`` for covariogram. This simply adds a few labels to the active figure. If semi-variance use ``True``. If covariance, use ``False``. Return: plt.plot or plt.pcolor """ nDim = outStruct.ndim # create the gridspecs if needed if gridspecs is None: gridspecs = [] for i in range(nDim): gridspecs.append(GridSpec(n=outStruct.shape[i])) # Check that gridspecs is a list of ``GridSpec`` objects if not isinstance(gridspecs, list): if not isinstance(gridspecs, GridSpec): raise RuntimeError('gridspecs arguments ({}) improperly defined.'. format(gridspecs)) gridspecs = [gridspecs] # Make sure we have a list to index if only 1D # Check the `GridSpec` objects and ensure they have an ``nnodes`` if nDim != len(gridspecs): raise RuntimeError('Number of data dimensions does not match given gridspecs.') for i, gs in enumerate(gridspecs): gs.validate() if gs.nnodes is None: raise RuntimeError('GridSpec object at index %d does not have an nnodes property.' % i) if gs.nnodes > gs.n*0.5: raise RuntimeError('For GridSpec at index %d nnodesOff > # of gridnodes/2.' % i); if nDim > 3: raise RuntimeError('Plotting routine can only handle 1D or 2D grids. Please extract a 2D slice.') # Check imeas variogram = None if imeas is not None: itypes = ['covar', 'var'] if isinstance(imeas, int) and imeas < 2 and imeas > -1: imeas = itypes[imeas] if imeas not in itypes: raise RuntimeError("imeas argument must be one of 'covar' for covariogram or 'var' for semi-variance. Not {}".format(imeas)) if imeas == 'var': variogram = True else: variogram = False if nDim == 1: ### 1D case gs = gridspecs[0] if gs.n != outStruct.shape[0]: raise RuntimeError('gridspecs do not match input data') xax = * np.arange(-gs.n / 2, gs.n / 2) if variogram is not None: plt.xlabel(r'lag distance $h$') if variogram: plt.title('Sample semivariogram') plt.ylabel(r'Semivariance $\gamma (h)$') else: plt.title('Covariogram') plt.ylabel(r'Covariance $\sigma (h)$') return plt.plot(xax, outStruct,'.-') # Otherwise it is 2D gsx = gridspecs[0] gsy = gridspecs[1] if gsx.n != outStruct.shape[0] or gsy.n != outStruct.shape[1]: raise RuntimeError('gridspecs do not match input data') xax = * np.arange(-gsx.n / 2, gsx.n / 2) yax = * np.arange(-gsy.n / 2, gsy.n / 2) Y_show, X_show = np.meshgrid(xax, yax) if variogram is not None: if variogram: plt.title('Sample Semivariogram Map' ) else: plt.title('Sample Covariogram Map') plt.xlabel('h_x') plt.ylabel('h_y') return display(plt, outStruct, x=X_show, y=Y_show, cmap='nipy_spectral')